Rip 200
Rip 200mg/ml is a synthetic combination of steroids for injections that includes: Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, and Drostanolone Propionate.
Testosterone Propionate is a component that can achieve the peak levels of testosterone serum 24 hours after the injection has been administrated. These levels will remain quite high during 2-3 days. This medicinal product is appropriate for treating hypogonadism and other health conditions resulting from deficiency of androgen. The component has androgenic and anabolic properties. It can enhance the growth of muscle tissues and strengthen them. The increase in libido can be often observed.
Trenbolone Acetate is a steroid component with anabolic and androgenic effects. The ester performance is very fast and efficient causing sufficient growth in serum levels of trenbolone. These levels can remain high for several days after the administration. Trenbolone can provide an immense increase of appetite, muscle anabolism, strength, and aggression. This component can also decrease body fat.
Drostanolone Propionate is an anabolic preparation derived from dihydrotestosterone synthetically with a potent protein-synthesizing function. It can also make up the positive balance of nitrogen in human bodies. Being a derivative originating from dihydrotestosterone, the medication does not produce any aromatization to estrogens. Drostanolone Propionate 100 has unique androgenic and anabolic characteristics which help muscle tissue grow and strengthen, simultaneously performing the function of an antagonist to estrogen. This medicinal supplementation has a propionate ester that provides short action and an enanthate ester with long-lasting effects combined perfectly in its formula. Because of this combination, the in-serum drostanolone levels increase very fast and this effect can last sustainably for 5-8 days.
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